Tuesday 24 August 2010


think about it.....

how does one get into the bus in double-quick time while minimising risks and danger to hostages?

blow the windscreen and windows? too dangerous................. as the explosion will send shredded glass flying at high speed in all directions........

blow the access doors? similar risks are involved as well......

shoot the window glass? one will never know where the bullet will land........

in the end, sledgehammers were used..... but as all can see, they were kinda ineffective against tempered glass......... too much time and effort was needed to smash their way through

perhaps they could have targeted the emergency escape panel ..... usually made of a less durable material, they are meant to break easily to allow escape........

perhaps they could have used ladders to help SWAT members gain access into the bus............

perhaps the ops should have been conducted in darkness by cutting off all power.....

well talk is cheap and it always easier to say things on hindsight....

god bless the souls of those who perished......

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