Tuesday 23 June 2009

92..... RON

a little surpriseeeeee....!

after using the pivot 3 throttle controller on SP7 for the past few weeks, i am pleasantly surprised to find that my fuel mileage did not suffer at all...... in fact it improved to 10.90 km/l for the last tank!....... not bad at all huh?

well i know it better than to claim a hollow victory cos the peak hour traffic during the school vacations is not as heavy as a normal working and schooling day...... the next few weeks will prove to be more representative and realistic..... but then using SP7 is so much fun that i wouldnt think of switching it off....

since i was able to tabulate the mileage, it means that today IS top-up day....... to shave a few dollars off the bill, i wanna switch to octane 92 from now on....... and YIPPIEE.!! i managed to save 4 dollars immediately.......

the thing to do now is to monitor the car's performance over the next few days..... will there be power losses with less octane..?? will fuel mileage improve or increase?

let's find out....

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