Tuesday 20 May 2008

ahhhhh rariiiiiiiiii...!

was scooting around katong area ..... well, to be more correct, should be driving.......

ok so i was driving around katong area and admiring those big houses and gardens when ..... suddenly a flash of scarlet flashed past my right........

with the quickest of my reflexes i hit the brakes HARD and reversed my car immediately......... hehe, it all seemed like a flash cos i was driving and the scarlet car was stationary....... certainly that car wasnt flying .....

and there it was..... a scarlet ferrari f430 parked in one of the smaller houses in the area........ surely it caught the light well and was shining brightly under the hot sun..... gosh, unmistakable is a ferrari in scarlet......... it's the reddest of the red..... hehe.... pardon me but i think u understand what i mean........ there is nothing more red than scarlet....???

guess what? right next to the ferrari is a lamborghini murcielago.....in ORANGE!....... WOW.... what's there more to say....... 2 of the most sought-after supercars under 1 roof....... :)

i took a good few minutes to admire the scene......before i drove off............. in my earthly 1.6 litre car......

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