daily ranting about life, audio and hi-fi, watches, formula 1, football....and anything interesting under the sun...
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Sticky tape
Actually it's only a 1-minute job.....
the high level
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Very good to see the improvement after the recent 30,000 km servicing ....
Keep it up baby....
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Well he summed it up with one word "impossible".....
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Monday, 27 September 2010
chewing gum
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Value proposition
I could have spend the few hundred bucks for a grandstand ticket but right now my aim is to get a higher end acrolink signal cables.....
To side step the issue, the trick is to pick a ticket up at a two-figure sum ..... And put the rest of the money on something I can use and listen for years to come...
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current inventory 2....
2 sides.....
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Your change...
Very cool.... But class 3a people need not apply....
Weather update
Track is soaked and drying is difficult in such a humid environment.....
Most likely they have to start with intermediate tyres for FP3...... Perhaps even for qualifying as well....
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Friday, 24 September 2010
Never ever..... Do they have to race on wet roads with fallen leaves!!!!
Early autumn????
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Bought your tickets?
Bu obviously the resale Market is quite active as many people are selling their tickets.... For reasons that only they know...
So even if you have yet to buy yours, dun worry as you can pick one or two up easily....
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Wednesday, 22 September 2010
no grass.....
dock it....
aha sooner or later it's going to happen............
uncle lee, i think u need this .... haha..........
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Gi LAN!!
Dun need luck? No fluke?
CB lah.... No luck see whether you genius or CB?!!!
KNN talk cock .....
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Smile please
Even though they very likely dun like each other but still they gotta smile and even shake the other party's hands.....
Their fathers could have hated each other's guts but cant show it in public and now what? Their sons are doing it .... Again
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Monday, 20 September 2010
So the standard procedure was to stand for the air pump after work and then to search for a tyre repair shop....
When I was there, there was another vehicle there mending its tyre but this fellow was giving the mechanic a headache... Ever seen a small rear wheel from a grass cutting machine? Haha it's that small and he was trying to squeeze the inner tube inside... Somehow he managed to do it...
As for me, I was done in 15 mins..... Screw spotted, wheel removed, tyre dismount, screw removed, inner wall prep, glue applied, patch applied and the got everything remounted....
All for 10 dollars....... Haha fortunately I had $11 in my wallet
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no flat....
oh yes, the left front tyre did not go totally flat this morning but since i didnt have the time to use my gauge, i only pressed the side walls to ensure it's ok to go.....
i didnt expect anymore to be using the airpump this early and was kinda surprised to see a cefiro at the nearest shell station........... there was no need to panic and i simply waited for him to be done before i put 33 psi into the 2 front tyres......
next step: should i patch the tyre or should i change all 4 ......... since hankook is having a special sale.............. perhaps i could get the new rs-3 at a good price???
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Losing air
So do I need to get ready to pump at 6 am????
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Flat & full
Checked with a pressure gauge and it's zero!!!!! KNN...!!!
I didn't wanna risk driving to the nearest pump on a totally flat tyre even though u see f1 cars doing that all the time ... But then those buggers dun have to pay for their own set of wheels leh....
Fortunately I have a 12 v air pump ... And in a few minutes, I am ok to go....
I drove for a few km, stopped by a carpark to check the pressure again before I resume mu regular speed hehe...
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Uncle L going to buy a new mobile phone and he needs your help & ideas...
Which one should he be looking at?
Ok he said no iPhone...... Cannot be too expensive.... Screen must be Big....... And if lost, he must not miss it that much
How? How?
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Different time
So now I am counting down the days to be completely ok....
Come on come on!!!!
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Friday, 17 September 2010
Wait for your turn
Well it seems to know what it meant and backed off...
Power lah U!!!
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White hatch
Very down to earth.....
first time what....
if you tell your boss that you f the budget estimation by a factor of 3 bcos this is the first time you did it....... it's very likely he will tell you it's the last time you are doing anything anymore .....
but then, now it's so easily swept aside ah...........
sure must say something.........
when MM say something about malaysia, the other side will respond.....
when Tun MM say something about singapore, we will also respond.......
this will never end lah.......... and both sides will never agree......
see how the chinese and malay press in malaysia saw MM's remarks............. it's remarkable isnt it???
both countries are far from perfect but it's pretty obvious at the moment, no one is envious of malaysia's current situation.............. OOOPPSS....
high-speed chase....
sure or not?
so how fast did they go???
their idea of high-speed is usually quite pathetic......
anything beyond 90 kph is TOO FAST......
Thursday, 16 September 2010
my logic...
there are free shuttles buses to parkway parade...... e.g. from bedok....
but then there are 4D outlets around parkway area.........
so how?
wanna stop the free service or not?
hey..... relac lah, people go parkway for shopping and jalan jalan only leh........
oh yah hor.... but i took the RWS shuttle bus to jalan jalan only also mah.......
no backside....
saw today's big advert in the papers for the mercedes SLS.......???
wonder why there's no shot of the rear of the sportscar....???
cos the car has got a ugly butt .......
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
my story
episode one - the ulcer menace, OUCH!
episode two - attack of the mouth gel, relief!
episode three - revenge of the ulcer!! OUCH OUCH!
say what u want.....
ppl are free to say what they want..... so of cos both the MMs can say what they want.......
MMs as in Minister Mentor and Mahathir Mohamad..... haha both are MM right???
it's up to people to digest and accept their versions..........
even after so many years, both sides still get upset when their leaders and people talk about each other and the recent interview of MM by NYT shows that it is no different now....... the wounds will never never heal, let's be honest......
so let the people judge for themselves......
so what if one racial group, through affirmative action, "wins" in 10 years 20 years or even 30 years???...... can the country beat the rest of the world???
never forsake the forest just for one tree......
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
All the nines
Then I must specify the wiring in the house to be acrolink & oyaide wires and connectors....
Right from the meter along the street...!!!!
Wow!! So shiok just to think of it....
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Nice pics
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Monday, 13 September 2010
abnormal routine.....
by right, i should be in bed at this very moment...........
but now, i am at work feeling very detached from worldly concerns.....
i just wanna lie in bed and go to sleep...............
burst the rubber
can bridgestone make their soft tyres burst after 20 laps?.........
it's kinda sickening to see the soft tyres go and go and go lap after lap after lap...............
they are not meant to last that long............
Saturday, 11 September 2010
So fast
When the app informed me it was 3-3, I really have to scratch my head...
What happened?
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no entry....
Friday, 10 September 2010
Making a list...
Right now abit of toothache & a recurring backache are driving me kinda mad...
Without the help of painkillers, I could have gone bonkers....
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sorry uncle...
Thursday, 9 September 2010
uncle power....
how to get from choa chu kang to tampines for free...???
get this tip from the man quoted in the papers....
hop on free shuttle bus service from choa chu kang to RWS..... then switch to service from sentosa to tampines....... totally FREE..!!
thank you RWS........!
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
If not the pain will be more than what you bargain for....
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Monday, 6 September 2010
With the latest super deep slash around the right front cd fender, I can no longer stay put....
Must find a reliable place to do cosmetic repair ......
Oh my I hate scratches and I hate vandals ......!!!
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Sunday, 5 September 2010
No paste
Best of all, it's only $6.95..... Far too reasonable for the quality
Saturday, 4 September 2010
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That will surely get rid of bandwidth issues ..... Cos telephone lines are just so old school....
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Friday, 3 September 2010
Hot hatch
Renault megane RS? 2.0 turbo 250 hp..... 6 sp manual
Volkswagen scirroco R? 2.0 turbo 256 hp..... 6 sp DSG
Volkswagen golf R? 2.0 turbo 265 hp.... 6 sp DSG
Ford focus RS? 2.5 turbo 300 hp..... 6 sp manual
Subaru WRX STi? 2.5 turbo 300 hp.... 6 sp manual
Mitsubishi evo X? 2.0 turbo 300 hp.... 5 sp manual or 6 sp SST
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Thursday, 2 September 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Not all
Yes, in absolute terms, it does seem like a windfall ....
But when used as a housing grant, the non-cash element won't hurt them as much as imagined....
After all no one knows the markup for public housing....
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when the chassis is broken, the car is gone..........
when the back is broken, the man is also gone.............